Please use the contact form provided below for any of the following:

Bayanihan cases stats-2015

With no current financial structural help from the Dutch government, Bayanihan has to come up with creative ways in order to continue the organization’s valuable work.

Any help in cash or in kind is greatly appreciated.

You may send your donations to Stichting Bayanihan’s bank account NL 77 INGB 0006 172781.


Stichting Bayanihan is constantly on the look out for committed volunteers in the areas of social service, information dissemination, research and events, among others. Bayanihan provides trainings to volunteers willing to help us with social services work.

If interested, email us at or simply use the contact form below to send your message.

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Stichting Bayanihan conduct different kinds of workshops, training sessions, awareness-raising and information seminars on various topics and issues that are important for development and integration of the Filipinas in the Netherlands.

Stay tuned for updates!

Contact Form

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You can also make use of the following contact details to get in touch.

We provide emergency assistance to Filipinas who need and ask for immediate and direct help. Our telephone help line is devoted entirely to calls for information, help or simply for a listening ear.

You can call any of the following numbers:

0616367125  or 0634875310


between 10:00 AM and 5:00 PM


Stichting Bayanihan

Ekster 13, 2411 MT Bodegraven

The Netherlands


c/o Dona Daria Kenniscentrum Emancipatie

Gerard Scholtenstraat 129

3035 SJ Rotterdam

DIRECTIONS by public transport: Take tram 4 (direction molenlaan) from Rotterdam Central Station. Get off at Van den Hoonardstraat. ergweg. G. Scholtenstraat is a side street of Bergweg.


Stichting Bayanihan is committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected. Should we ask you to provide certain information by which you can be identified when contacting us, then you can be assured that it will only be used in accordance with this privacy statement.