In our rapidly evolving digital age, the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has brought about profound changes in the way we live, work, and connect with the world. While AI technology offers tremendous opportunities and conveniences, it also presents unique challenges and considerations, particularly for senior citizens or elderly individuals.
Our older generation has rich life experiences, wisdom, and invaluable stories to share. However, they may find themselves navigating an increasingly complex digital realm, often feeling like newcomers in an unfamiliar land. With this in mind, it becomes not only a responsibility but also an opportunity to empower our senior citizens with the knowledge and tools they need to thrive in this AI-driven era.
The world of AI is vast and intricate, encompassing everything from voice-activated assistants to advanced healthcare solutions. For seniors, understanding AI and its implications is becoming increasingly vital, as it can directly influence their everyday lives, health, and well-being.
On this premise, Stichting Bayanihan is hosting a three-hour meetup to share the basics of AI and how it affects your daily life. In particular, we aim to cover the following:
👉AI Basics: We’ll break down what AI is in simple terms, so you’re not left scratching your heads.
👉Good Stuff About AI for Seniors: AI can actually make life easier for you! We’ll talk about how it helps with health, homes, and more.
👉 Not-So-Good Stuff and Worries: Of course, there are some concerns, like privacy and scams. We’ll chat about those and give you tips to stay safe.
👉 Real-Life Examples: We’ll show you real situations where AI is already doing cool things, especially in healthcare and smart homes.
👉 Power to You: By the end, our goal is for you to feel confident about making smart choices with AI. We’ll give you practical tips so you can use AI wisely and avoid any tricky stuff.

13:30- 14:00
Arrival & Registration14:00- 14:10
Welcome Remarks & Introduction of Resource Speaker
by Diana Oosterbeek-Latoza,
SB Founding Chairperson & Social Cultural Worker14:10-15:10:
Interactive Presentation & Input on
Empowering Filipino Seniors in the Digital Age
by Myra Colis, Resource Speaker & Facilitator15:10- 15:25
Line Dancing led by Nila Tayco15:30- 16:30:
Open Forum | Q&A16:30-17:00
Reflection & Closing17:00-17:30
Cleaning Up
Join us for an interactive session. No tech jargon, just good conversation about making the most of tech without the stress. Let’s navigate this digital world together!